Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My First Post - Finally

Hello world! I was kidnapped by tons of assignments in the last two week; hence I haven't posted anything since the introduction. Those terrible 14-days are spent on Research Module, and apparently, the devil's teachings called "statistics" got another chance to kick my ass. I thought I've waved it goodbye after my high school final exam. Boy, was I wrong!

There were several major (unnecessary) additions to my vocabulary, like cross-sectional, cohort, and case-control studies; or chi-square, t-paired, and ANOVA tests. You know, these words will probably sink into the part of the brain that stores sophisticated, yet nearly-useless vocabulary like supercalifragilisticyouknowtherest.

Anyway, let's snap back to the present-although I might write about my experience on Research sometime. For this couple of weeks, I'm doing another module affectionately called Empathy. Well, the real name is EBP3KH; just don't ask me what those letters stand for. In this module, we are expected to be "Mr. Nice Guys"s so that we will transform into better doctors in the future. *yeah, right* The way I see it, this module is a welcomed break after the torturous Research. For example, my facebook time has -at least- doubled after I finished that freakin personal research proposal.

Today, my discussion group of ten had hours of role-playing. We were paired: one played the exhausted-but-still-trying-to-be-nice doctor (which reminds me of the creepy Sidney Heron of Grey's) while the partner played the dirt-poor patient who hasn't pooped in about three months. Surprisingly, it was quite fun, pretending to be doctors while we're still idealistic. (Yeah, I'm idealistic).

I really want to share my Research misadventures and my role-play reviews. So guys, visit this blog again soon!