Sunday, March 8, 2009

An Overdue Evaluation

For this post, I’m gonna talk about med school-related nonmedical stuffs. Well, mostly about this blog itself. Before we go anywhere else: if you are somehow curious about my adventures in Cell & Genetics, kindly go to my tumblelog Cerita Dll. It’s mainly written in Bahasa Indonesia, but then again, you don’t have to speak Indonesian to know that there’s a huge pic of atrophic testes. Oh well, let’s get to the main point.

I obviously realize that this blog’s been very dormant; the last time I posted something was around a month ago. That time, I was just starting the Cell & Genetics (C&G) module. Then I went away, just like that. Now, I’m writing again during the holiday after C&G’s wrapped up. Yup, I just have to spew out the cliched reason: med school’s been turning my life upside down and inside out. Spare time is a luxury and sadly I admit that I tend to prioritize other things.

Since a few days ago, I’ve been contemplating about what I’m gonna do with this blog and where I’m going to take it. There are several factors I’m taking into consideration. First, as I’ve mentioned earlier, med school don’t want its students to have enough leisure time. Second, I’ve been having much fun chronicling my med school antics in the previously-mentioned tumblelog. (Go there! Seriously!)  I’m thinking that it’s kinda pointless to write roughly the same thing just in different lingos. Besides, there’s problem number one.

At the end of the day, (well, actually it’s 12.15 AM – the start of the day) I firmly decided to keep this blog going, despite the foreseeable rough adaptation. I also decided to not match the content of this blog to that of my tumblelog. This blog will be less diary-ish and more mad rants-ish. Exhibit A: this post.

OK then. See you soon!


Alia Nadhirah said...

Lol. I like your writing style. really easy-going and honest. Hmm I can relate to the cliched reason of med school turning you mad:)

I suggest keep your blog and keep it updated once it a while:)