Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Second Semester is Here

Woohoo! *yeah, really* The short “long holiday” is a thing of the past and now I’m in the beginning of the second semester. We are entering the medical sciences phase, after those shennanigans in the first semester most of which I don’t document here. As an overview, this semester has 3 modules: Cell and Genetics, Molecular Biology, and Neuroscience; each will take about 6 weeks to finish.

You know that I’m extra busy studying and facebooking because I haven’t posted on any of my blogs for quite a long time. There have been several lectures on a broad range of topics with various qualities: some are interesting, the others are so-so, and many are literally sedative. Hiding behind books to catch some Z’s is so passe, I myself witnessed some of my friends fall asleep while sitting upright. Moreover, it wasn’t uncommon to see a classmate dozing off without any “camouflage”. You know, this things are kinda expected when you have to sit through a lecture about a complex fettucini-like colorful molecules –the so-called “proteins”- polymerized into microscopic blobs which are then assembled into a line of similar blobs and then into a tiny tiny tube, made up of those blobs. *What’s that?*

I’ve already been to the lab a few times. The first one was about using microscope like a civilized person; because we are so barbaric, right? After that lab session, microscopes become my best friends in exploring the marvelous world of cells. I’ve had a histology lab session, finding whatever structures which looked totally different from the examples. Just today I did a biology lab session for cell fractination. Nothing special.

Last week was a slap-in-the-face wake-up call for me to mentally graduate from high school. I had found my motivation to wholeheartedly broaden my knowledge. You know what they say, “fear can be the best motivation”…or something like that.